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2015 JCA Race Calender


1st MARCH Sunday , 08.00 - TT IG Red Houses  22 Mile 2 up - CCC

9th MARCH SundaY, 08.00 - RR Watersplash 8 laps Scratch - RESULTS

15th MARCH Sunday, 08.00 - TT St Ouens New, 25m - RESULTS

15th MARCH Sunday, 09.30 - MTB XC - CCC

22nd MARCH Sunday, 07.30 - RR Crotcher, 4/3/2 Divs - CCC

29th MARCH Sunday, 08.30 - FM Circuit, 22 laps Handicapped - CANCELLED


2nd APRIL Thursday, 18.45 - EASTER STAGE 01 - HC, Jubillee Hill - RESULTS

3rd APRIL Friday, 07.30 - EASTER STAGE 02 - 10m TT, Hydrangea - CCC

4th APRIL Saturday, 07.30 - EASTER STAGE 03 - FM Circuit, 22/18/16 Divs - RESULTS

5th APRIL Sunday, 07.30 - EASTER STAGE 04 - RR Watersplash, 8/6/4 Divs - CCC

6th APRIL Monday, 07.30 - EASTER STAGE 05 - Hogue Bie, 7 laps Div - RESULTS



12th APRIL Sunday, 07.30 - TT IG Course, 22m - CASP

12th APRIL Sunday, 09.30 - MTB XC Jersey Championship - CCC

19th APRIL Sunday, 08.30 - FM Circuit, 24/20/16 Divs - RESULTS

26th APRIL Sunday, 07.30 - RR Bal Tab, Handicapped - BMRT


3rd MAY Sunday, tbc - INTER INSULAR TT, 25m Guernsey 

4th MAY Monday, tbc - INTER INSULAR RR, Guernsey


9th MAY Saturday, 11.00 - FM Circuit, 60min scratch reverse - JCA

10th MAY Sunday, 07.30 - RR Watersplash, 8 laps scratch - CASP

10th MAY Sunday, 09.30 - MTB XC - CCC

16th MAY Saturday, 11.00 - FM Circuit, 60min scratch reverse - JCA

17th MAY Sunday, 07.30 - RR Mont Cambrai, Divs - CCC

19th MAY Tuesday, 18.45 - 10m TT, Woodcraft - RESULTS

21st MAY Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 14 laps HC - CCC

23rd MAY Saturday, 11.00 - FM Circuit, 60min scratch reverse - JCA

24th MAY Sunday, 07.30 - TT IG Course, 22m - CCC

25th MAY Monday, 07.30 - RR Hogue Bie, 8 laps scratch - RESULTS

26th MAY Tuesday, 18.45 - 10m TT, Hydranga - RESULTS

28th MAY Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 16 Laps HC - CCC

30th MAY Saturday, 11.00 - FM Circuit, 60min scratch reverse - JCA

31st MAY Sunday, 09.30 - MTB XC - CCC

31st MAY Sunday, 08.30 - FM Circuit, 24/20/16 Div - CASP


2nd JUNE Tuesday, 18.45 - TT Tour de Bretagne, 10m - RESULTS

4th JUNE Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 18 laps HC - CCC

9th JUNE Tuesday, 18.45 - TT Woodcraft, 10m - RESULTS

11th JUNE Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 20 laps HC - CCC

13th JUNE Saturday, 11.00 - FM Circuit, 60min scratch reverse - JCA

14th JUNE Sunday, 07.30 - TT IG Course, 22m - CASP

16th JUNE Tuesday, 18.45 - 15km TT, Le Pulente - RESULTS

18th JUNE Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 22 laps HC - CCC

21st JUNE Sunday, 07.30 - RR Crotcher, HC - CCC

23rd JUNE Tuesday, 18.45 - 10m TT Championship, L'Etacq Woodcraft - RESULTS

25th JUNE Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, 22 laps HC - CCC

27th JUNE Saturday, Pierre le Bigaut Sportive, France



5th JULY Sunday, 07.30 - RR Corbiere, 18 laps scratch - CANCELED

7th JULY Tuesday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 1&3 - CCC

9th JULY Thursdsay, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 2&4 - POSTPONED

12th JULY Sunday, 07.30 - RR Bal Tab, HC - CCC

14th JULY Tuesday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 1&3 - RESULTS

16th JULY Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 2&4 - CCC

21st JULY Tuesday, 18.45 -FM Circuit, Div 1&3 - CCC

23rd JULY Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 2&4 - RESULTS

26th JULY Sunday, 07.30 - RR Round the Bays, scratch - CCC

28th JULY Tuesday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 1&3 - RESULTS

30th JULY Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 2&4 - CCC


2nd AUGUST Sunday, 07.30 - Jersey TT Championship, TBC

4th AUGUST Tuesday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 1&3 - CCC

6th AUGUST Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Div 2 &4 - RESULTS

9th AUGUST Sunday, 07.30 - RR Corbiere Divs - CASP

11th AUGUST Tuesday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Divs 1&3 - RESULTS

13th AUGUST Thursday, 18.45 - FM Circuit, Divs 2&4 - CCC

16th AUGUST Sunday, 08.30 - Jersey Track Championship, 26/22/18 Cat - CCC

20th AUGUST Thursday, 18.45 - 5m TT, Le Pulente - BMRT

23rd AUGUST Sunday, 07.30 - RR Crotcher, Divs - CCC

27th AUGUST Thursday, 18.45 - 5m TT, Le Pulente - BMRT

30th AUGUST Sunday, 08.30 - FM Circuit, 24,20,16 Divs - CASP

31st AUGUST  Monday, 07.30 - RR Hogue Bie, 8 laps scratch


3rd SEPTEMBER Thursday, 18.30 - 5m TT, Le Pulente - BMRT

6th SEPTEMBER Sunday, 07.30 - Jersey RR Championship, Watersplash - CCC

10th SEPTEMBER Thursday, 18.30 - 5m TT, Le Pulente - BMRT

13th SEPTEMBER Sunday, 07.30 - Round Island TT, 36m 2UP - CCC

17th SEPTEMBER Thursday, 18.30 - 5m TT Le Pulente - BMRT

20th SEPTEMBER Sundauy, 07.30 - Reverse Round Island TT, 36m 2UP - CCC

24th SEPTEMBER Thursday, 18.30 - 5m TT Championship, Le Pulente - BMRT



4th OCTOBER Sunday, 08.30 - Hill Climb, Rozel West - JCA

11th OCTOBER Sunday, 08.30 - Hill Climb, Bonne Nuit East - JCA

18th OCTOBER Sunday, 08.30 - Hill Climb, Bouley Bay - JCA

18th OCTOBER Sunday, 10.00 - St Johns Downhill - CCC


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