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Rules and Constitution


The club's constitution was first created back in 1988. The most recent version was adopted in January 2015 and it can be downloaded here.

If you have any feedback or comments on the Constitution, please contact a member of the Management Commitee or raise your comments at our AGM.


The Rules of Racing (Time Trials and Road Races):


  • The rules governing time trials shall generally be those of Cycling Time Trials (CTT).

  • The rules governing road racing and track racing shall generally be those of British Cycling (BC).

  • A Junior is a rider who is under 18 years of age on the day of the race.  A juvenile is a rider who is under 16 years of age on the day of the race.

  • The Management Committee will determine racing fees.

  • All competitors must present a clean and tidy appearance in all events and their machines must also be in a roadworthy condition.

  • The race organiser shall be responsible for all handicapping.

  • In the event of adverse weather conditions, the race organiser present shall make the final decision as to whether the event shall take place.

  • Competitors must ride entirely alone and unassisted in all individual time trials. They must not ride in company with, nor take shelter from, any other rider or from any vehicle on the road (Pacing, Drafting). If one rider overtakes another he must pass as widely as possible and no shelter must be given or received. The onus of avoiding company riding shall be on riders being overtaken and they must drop back 50 meters. Competitors, when dismounted, must wheel or carry their machines unassisted while covering any part of the course.

  • Any rider involved in an accident during a race shall report the matter to the race organiser at the finish.

  • All events shall be open to non-members unless otherwise stated.

  • Competitors must obey the rules of the road at all times and obey the directions of the States/Honorary police and race marshals.

  • Any complaint concerning an event must be reported to the race organiser immediately after  the race.

  • All club records must be made in competition.

  • Any rider who can be specifically identified with a following vehicle will be disqualified unless the Management Committee granted prior approval.

  • A rider having once started shall not be allowed a second start.

  • Each competitor must cover the complete course and shall be disqualified for not doing so regardless of the circumstances. Competitors who goes off course must return to the point at which they left the course and continue from there if they wish to finish the race.

  • The primary club colours shall be blue and yellow.

  • All rules shall stand until they are revoked or amended by the association at a General Meeting.

  • Any sub-committee formed shall contain at least one team official.

  • An application for membership may be accepted from any person under the age of 16 provided that a parent or guardian endorses the application form.

  • Anyone wishing to join or re-join the club must fill in an official application form accompanied by the current subscription fee. Further information can be founbd here.

  • Annual Subscriptions run until the following 31st January. Any person not paying by the 31st January shall be deemed a non-member.

  • Any acceptance of an application for club membership will be at the discretion of the Management Committee.

  • Any member may be warned for unseemly conduct by any member of the Management Committee to appear before that Committee at their next meeting. However, no member shall be expelled or suspended without a fair hearing in his/her presence.

  • The Management Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees where they consider necessary or desirable.

  • No club member shall reply to any comments or letters in the press or any other media referring to the club, in the name of the club, unless first authorised by the Management Committee.

  • Any matter not otherwise provided for shall be dealt with by the Management Committee.

  • The Management Committee recommends that all team members obtain BC membership for the insurance cover it provides. 


The Following notes are not part of our race rules but do form part of the terms & conditions of entry to any of our races:


  • All competitors and marshals please note where courses are marshalled or not marshalled, the onus is on the rider to obey the rules of the road and the directions of both the States and Honorary police.

  • All competitors must have checked in 15 minutes prior to the start time and present a clean and tidy appearance in all events; machines must also be fully roadworthy. Anyone failing so to do will be allowed to compete at the discretion of the race organiser.

  • Riders crossing a centre white line or otherwise disobeying the highway code may be withdrawn from the race or have their result made void.


The Management Committee reserves the right to refuse entry by any person (whether a club member or not) to any race organised by the club. In particular, the Management Committee may suspend a person's ability to enter races organised by the club if the Management Committee determines that such person has breached race rules in previous race(s). 

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